“Fathoms – The World in the Whale”: That is the title of Australian author Rebecca Giggs’ first book (published by SCRIBE and Simon Schuster in April 2020) – and it is, indeed, the gate to a large world…
In it, Rebecca blends natural history, philosophy and science to reveal an unexpected world in a stranded whale – with more cross-connections to our “human world” than we might have ever thought about.
In Australia, “Fathoms” won the Mark and Evette Moran Nib Literary Prize, and the Royal Society’s Whitley Award for Popular Zoology. The book has also recently been shortlisted for the prestigious ALA Andrew Carnegie Medal for Excellence in Nonfiction, and the Kirkus Prize in the US. Rebecca’s essays and articles have appeared in Best Australian Science Writing and Best Australian Essays, as well as in The Atlantic, Granta, The New York Times Magazine, and Griffith Review.
Rebecca Gigg’s Website: